Centering Equity in Improvement Science & Research: Winter 2024-2025 Newsletter

Shortly after the presidential election, Tricia Rose, Chancellor’s Professor of Africana Studies at Brown University and the director of the Systemic Racism Project at the Center for the Study of Race and Ethnicity in America, shared insights from her book Metaracism: How Systemic Racism Devastates Black Lives and How We Can Break Free.

This newsletter covers the Network’s discussion with Rose that was part of our book study, an important tool for STEM PUSH’s equity and justice-centered work.

This winter issue will cover the discussion in depth, as well as provide some background on STEM PUSH’s work and the challenges we are working to address.

Recent posts

National Association for College Admission Counseling’s The Journal of College Admission Feature on the STEM PUSH Network

NACAC’s Journal of College Admission features STEM PUSH: Pre-college STEM programs teach students
about scientific inquiry, research, and much
more. Yet many of these out-of-school
programs that are equity-focused often aren’t
considered in college admission because
there’s too much variability across programs
for admission offices to evaluate. A national
alliance called the STEM PUSH Network is
working to change that.

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